Friday, October 29, 2010

Shh Diam! @ TG workshop

Shh...DIam - Julie

Shh...DIam - Dugongku

Shh...DIam - Lagu bodoh


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SeksualitiMerdeka2010 (1)

This year, Malaysia’s only sexuality rights festival, Seksualiti Merdeka, celebrates the spirit of family. Exploring the bonds that bring us together, the festival aims to promote both the family and the community's role in embracing diversity.

As the nation strives to realise its full democratic potential, with Malaysians becoming more aware of our constitutional rights, let's not forget about our sexuality rights. It is our right to be responsible for our own bodies, to be free from discrimination, violence and injustice, and to be treated equally, regardless of gender, sexuality, age, class, ethnicity or beliefs. Each of us has these rights, as enshrined by the UN International Human Rights Charter, the Yogyakarta Principles, and promoted by many human rights organisations local and international.

Whether we are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersexed, asexual, or simply fabulous, we are brothers and sisters on this great journey toward independence and equality for all.


SeksualitiMerdeka2010 (2)

had so much fun in this year seksualiti merdeka, thanks everyone

more details here: 'seksualitimerdeka'

Selamat Hari Hartal 2010

Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka from fahmi reza on Vimeo.


Sunday, October 03, 2010

Cracks in the wall #5 (A)

Cracks in the wall #5
I bought this zine during 'zinefest' last July with couple of other zines but just finished reading it yesterday. Probably because of the nice rainy weather outside.

This is definitely the zine im going to carry around when travelling. Some parts related to the Fifth Estate article in my previous post. The part where when human detached themselves from nature & couple of other stuff (media,information,ideas,economy,politics,history,environment & basically life) which in a way relevant to the world we live in today, at this moment & time regardless which country you're coming from. I've asked Andy for his permission to scan & distribute & put it here since its a Anti-copyright, read & share copy & spread note behind the zine.

It's well written, not too heavy & the most interesting part is the cut & paste cartoon with re-written dialogue & his cheeky hand-drawn cartoon as well. It's a bit wordy but find a good time away from any disturbance, turn off the phone to fully enjoy this zine & i can imagine his voice reading it to me. Good read! <3









